Autumn 2021 tango discounts, Level 0

We return to tango, we return to dance, we return to joy, the enjoyment of feeling closeness, the healthy energy of the embrace, come with us to discover tango, or to delve into it. In our tango school in Barcelona, your school, we think a lot about it and that is why we have a good assortment of offers for, mainly all those who want to start developing and enjoy the advantages of this universe.


For all discounts you must send an e-mail to the address and only to this address, with the code DESBANDE- DISCOUNTS in the subject, and explain to us in the body of the e-mail in which category of discount you enter 


Individual discounts level 0

  • Student card 30%  
  • Unemployment license 30%


Couples discounts level 0

  • Student card 50%  
  • Unemployment license 50%
  • Retirees 50% 
  • Rest of couples 30% 


Other levels, 1st quarter in El Desbande 

Couples discounts

  • Student card 25%  
  • Unemployment license 25%
  • Retirees 50% 

* Prices, € 120 per person 

Also being a leader (male role), since your role is more complicated and requires more practice, especially at the beginning, in addition to the fact that there are always fewer men, you could come up to three days a week, depending on your schedule possibilities and pace of work. learning. 

If you are a woman and want to learn the role of leader, you can have the same opportunity.     

For all discounts you must send an e-mail to the address and only to this address, with the code DESBANDE- DISCOUNTS in the subject, and explain to us in the body of the e-mail in which category of discount you enter 


Take advantage of this opportunity, tango is an adventure to discover, it will undoubtedly surprise you, if you want to know it before signing up, we have an open class on September 29, where the only condition we ask is that you sign up as a couple, more information in this link


Another close occasion to learn and enjoy our discounts is the next intensive tango level 0 on September 18 and 19, More information 


Individual discounts level 0

  • Student card 30%  
  • Unemployment license 30%


Couples discounts level 0

  • Student card 50%  
  • Unemployment license 50%
  • Retirees 50% 
  • Rest of couples 30% 

* Prices, € 120 per person 

For all discounts you must send an e-mail to the address and only to this address, with the code DESBANDE- DISCOUNTS in the subject, and explain to us in the body of the e-mail in which category of discount you enter

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