The room / Facilities

We are located in the heart of Gracia, very central and very well connected, with a great cultural and gastronomic offer around our school, if you need a room to give your dance, theater, yoga classes or you have a rehearsal group, do not hesitate to contact us, our room is spacious, well equipped and has good ... Read more

Dance teachers

The dance teachers Currently the «El Desbande» team is made up of Olga Vall and Carlos Bauque, sometimes two more teachers, who meet periodically to be able to monitor and develop the classes and the students. Besides tango, we are united by friendship, the desire to share and enjoy the ... Read more


Normas - Tango Desbande
Para el buen funcionamiento de los grupos y de las relaciones profesor-alumno, consideramos indispensable establecer una serie de normas básicas, así como unas condiciones propias. Estamos agradecidos por vuestra comprensión y colaboración. NORMAS BASICAS MUY IMPORTANTE PARA COORDINAR LAS PAREJAS: Si vas a FALTAR a clase AVISAR con 4 h MÍNIMO de antelación, al WhatsApp ... Read more
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