Tango Classes Level 0 Fall 2023

Level 0 Classes – Fall 2023

Tango develops personal capacities, such as concentration, improvisation, sensitivity, creativity, the ability to react and social relationships ...


Have you never taken a tango step? At this level we will teach you the mechanism of the first steps in a relaxed and enjoyable way,you will catch cconcepts such as axis, weight change and transfer, connection, caminar, the embrace and communication of the couple, in the search for a fluid movement for a rhythmic and elegant dance.


Did it seem impossible? We help you and make sure you learn well.

Our objective in this first meeting will be to learn the basic technique and make the tools available to the student to achieve it.



Wednesday 8.30pm to 9.45pm

Friday 7pm to 8.15pm



  • It is not necessary to pay registration, minimum registration period 3 months. Payment will be made on the first day of class.
  • Maximum of 6 months at this level. It is not necessary to register as a couple.
  • You can make up missed classes, at any time of your level
  • In order to coordinate the balancing of classes and recover them, it is mandatory to communicate absences in advance by WhatsApp, at 635 80 33 75, or by e-mail at eldesbande@gmail.com  
  • You can join once the quarter has started, after consultation, e-mail contacto@barnatango.com or call 635 803 375 and we will advise you. 
  • Price per quarter €125 per person (11 classes of 1:15h)


Our recommendation is that from now on you join our fan page on Facebook and Instagram where we will help you organize to come practice at school and get to know the milonga.

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