Flexibility, Bonuses, intensive, weekends and morning tango

As a school, in addition to our dedication and passion for tango, we have always distinguished ourselves by our flexibility, if you have a job that requires you to travel or enjoy your free time in a somewhat unforeseen way, find out about our system of Bonds that will allow you to organize your tango classes based on your time possibilities, for this we always require a minimum of knowledge and experience, since for a beginner it would be difficult to follow this discontinuous system of tango classes without a prior basis. That's why we have our private classes, if you have a level 0 tango, with a pack of five private classes you will have enough base to use our bonus system, if you already have previous experience, you will not need it. 

Another possibility of acquiring this knowledge base of danced tango would be with a weekend intensive, the next intensive is prepared for November 6 and 7. The intensive is scheduled in the middle of the term so as not to leave out those who did not register at the beginning of the term and do not want to wait for the next 

For those of you who work late at night, or work at home and have flexibility that better than classes of tango in the morning.


In summary, a wide range of possibilities to be able to integrate the eventualities of the current hourly possibilities into the learning of tango, in summary:


And as if this were not enough at Desbande tango, a pioneer school not only in Barcelona, but also in Spain, we are not only flexible with schedules and availability for classes, but also with prices. Below we describe all our possibilities of offers and discounts     


Individual discounts level 0

  • Student card 30%  
  • Unemployment license 30%


Couples discounts level 0

  • Student card 50%  
  • Unemployment license 50%
  • Retirees 50% 
  • Rest of couples 30% 


Other levels, 1st quarter in El Desbande 

Couples discounts

  • Student card 25%  
  • Unemployment license 25%
  • Retirees 50% 


* Prices, € 120 per person 

Also being a leader (male role), since your role is more complicated and requires more practice, especially at the beginning, in addition to the fact that there are always fewer men, you could come up to three days a week, depending on your schedule possibilities and pace of work. learning. 

If you are a woman and want to learn the role of leader, you can have the same opportunity.     

For all discounts you must send an e-mail to the address contact@barnatango.com and only to this address, with the code DESBANDE- DISCOUNTS in the subject, and explain to us in the body of the e-mail in which category of discount you enter 

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