Long live the milonga! We open, come and try it

Técnica - Tango Desbande
Finally the waters slowly return to their course, after a long time of uncertainty, resistance, sometimes anguish and pain, a lot of longing, without ever losing hope and desire, we return, ... we return to the night . Without less appreciating and leaving aside the freshness and the good atmosphere ... Read more

Dance Milonga in Barcelona / Every Friday since 1999

Milonga - Tango Desbande
Contact Call Warm and relaxed atmosphere, resident DJs Olga Vall and Fernando Corrado, good traditional tango cocktail, occasionally with something more contemporary depending on the DJ, international DJs. Air conditioning, located in the Gracia neighborhood, in the center of Barcelona, with many and varied restaurants around, as well as a good cultural and leisure environment... Read more

Practices for beginners

Técnica - Tango Desbande
Prácticas 2º y 4º sábado de mes En Marzo el sábado 23 , tenemos la ¡¡Fiesta del alumno!!, que no te puedes perder. Ven con nosotros a disfrutar del tango, de la amistad y de la pasión del aprendizaje del baile del abrazo, el mas intimo y apasionado   2º y 4º sábado de cada ... Read more
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